After Your Vasectomy at Comfort Procedures Dallas

The Comfort Procedures team is available anytime if you have questions or concerns after your no-scalpel vasectomy procedure at our DFW clinic. Please read the information below to know what to expect.

Do’s and Don’ts After a Vasectomy

Please follow these instructions for post vasectomy care in order to speed healing and recovery.

Key points include:

  • Do not take any NSAID’s (anti-inflammatories) or aspirin for one week before your surgery or 24 hours after surgery. They can cause bleeding.  Tylenol is fine to take at any time.
  • No alcohol 24 hours before and after surgery.  It can also cause bleeding.
  • For comfort, wear loose fitting clothing to your surgery.
  • Wear supportive underwear to your surgery, not boxers.
  • Continue to wear supportive underwear, including when sleeping, for a few days after the procedure
  • After surgery, go home, sit or lie down, apply ice pack to the scrotal area and if uncomfortable, take some Tylenol. (No NSAID’s for 24 hours).
  • Showering in the evening after your vasectomy is permissible. Avoid full immersion in a bath, hot tub, or pool for a full week to allow the small scrotal opening to seal. This helps prevent infection.
  • No strenuous activity for one week after the procedure.  That means no bending over, no lifting anything over 10 pounds, no cycling, going to the gym, etc.
  • No sex or ejaculations for one week.

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Detailed Patient Instructions After Vasectomy

After Vasectomy CareRest and recovery are important after your vasectomy. Keep any activity to a minimum for one week.

While some men will experience no pain at all, some will experience a small ache in the groin. This is due to the fact that the testes share some of the same nerve supplies as the abdomen.  It is not unusual for pain in the scrotum to be perceived in the abdomen as well.

Please plan on being a couch potato for the first two days after your vasectomy procedure. Even if you think you feel OK, the very best thing for your speedy return to your regular routine is to rest and maximize the speed of healing.

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The First 48 Hours

  • Take any medication as ordered.
  • Minimize any walking or standing for the first two days.
  • Use an ice pack on your scrotum for 20 minutes every hour (except when you’re sleeping) for the first two to three days after your vasectomy. You should repeat the icing as often as possible in the first week. You can make your own ice pack by putting ice in a plastic bag and wrapping it in a dish towel, or use a bag of frozen peas. Gel packs also work well.
  • There may be a small amount of bleeding from the small puncture. This is normal. Put the antibiotic ointment on a piece of gauze and change the gauze twice a day. Do this until there is no more blood, then just wear a bandaid without the gauze and supportive underwear for the next 7 days. You may take a daily shower starting in the evening after your procedure. Avoid taking baths for 48 hours after the surgery.
  • For the first 24 hours, continue to avoid any alcohol, take 2 tablets of extra-strength Tylenol every 6 hours and ice the area regularly.

The First Week

  • Do not strain yourself. Do not have sex or lift anything heavier than 10 pounds.
  • Keep the incision clean and dry, although it is acceptable to take a gentle shower after your surgery.
  • Wear your supportive underwear for the entire week.
  • Leave some clean gauze with antibiotic ointment  at the site for a day or two. It is possible that this practice may further reduce post-operative infection rates.
  • Call Dr. McAuliff if you notice ongoing bleeding.
  • Call Dr. McAuliff if you get a fever, your scrotum gets very red or you notice any unusual discharge.
  • Remember–no sex or ejaculation for a week.
  • Light blood in the semen is normal in the first few ejaculations after your vasectomy, and no cause for concern.
  • For the entire first week, avoid any exertion, exercise, extensive walking, climbing, jogging, or sports, etc.
  • When pain and tenderness are minimal, you may return to your usual activity but on the first day back start off at ½ your usual workout if you feel up to it.
  • In general, avoid lifting more than 10 lbs in the first week.
  • It is normal to have some discoloration of the skin (blue and black) around the puncture site a few days after your vasectomy. This will gradually go away.
  • You might notice a lump on each side of your scrotum after your vasectomy for the new few weeks That is a scar where we cut and sealed your vas. It usually feels like a knot the size of a pea and may swell to the size of a marble and be tender for a few weeks after the procedure but then becomes smaller and non-tender.

Post-Vasectomy Semen Testing

Temporary birth control is required for approximately 3 months because there may still be some sperm left in your system and you will not be sterile until all of that has left your system. You will be given instructions on how to get your sperm tested to confirm you are sperm free.

Confirm Vasectomy Effectiveness

We advise you to get your semen tested after 3 months and 30 ejaculations.

After the surgery, the chance of a sperm making it through the blockage in the sperm tubes is quite small. The reason we chose to cut and cauterize the sperm tubes and then cover one end by the fascial sheath is so the possibility of failure is minimal. This is why, for your peace of mind, we strongly urge you to have your semen tested.

After many thousands of surgeries, we are happy to report that our vasectomy technique has demonstrated an extremely high success rate and minimal complications. At Comfort Procedures, the incidence of failure has been1 in 10,000 vasectomy surgeries performed.

Important information on post-vasectomy semen analysis

  • No sex or ejaculation for two days before you collect the specimen.
  • Specimen collection is obtained through masturbation into a sealed, sterile specimen container. Reattempt collection at a different time if you lose a portion of the semen.
  • Please ask for a replacement urine analysis container if your is misplaced. No other container is allowed.
  • Close the container firmly and label it with your first and last name, date of birth, and the date and time of collection.
  • Deliver your specimen to the laboratory immediately (within 1 hour) after collection, keeping the container warm in your pocket or next to your body en route.

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